Sustainability and Resiliency
Sustainability & Resiliency
As the public at large begins to realize that global warming, consumption of resources, and disposal of waste are serious issues, communities and regions begin to look for sustainable alternatives to traditional development. HGA has long been at the forefront of sustainable planning and green design. Our master plans, redevelopment plans and development regulations have always been crafted with an eye toward sustainability. What sets sustainable planning and development apart from traditional comprehensive planning is the emphasis on meeting the current environmental, social, and economic needs of a community without compromising the ability of future generations to meet these needs.
Successful sustainable planning balances the often competing priorities of environmental, economic and social factors. Aggressive public outreach and visioning are essential to getting the balance “just right.” We understand that achieving sustainability will vary with each community and region, integrated and related to other elements within the community, and reflect the community’s vision, goals, and objectives.
HGA is also familiar with the technical requirements of the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, as required by the 2021 amendment to the Municipal Land Use Law. Our office has prepared numerous utilizing the most recent natural hazard projections and best available data provided by various sources including the NJDEP and the NJ Climate Change Resource Center.
HGA is dedicated to helping our clients meet their sustainability goals through the following:
Producing Master Plan amendments including developing a Green Buildings and Environmental Sustainability Master Plan Element.
Preparing Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments pursuant to the 2021 amendment to the Municipal Land Use Law.
Performing LEED assessments for potential development plans.
Creating “green building” design guidelines, site plan review standards and zoning ordinances including Form-based codes.
Reducing auto dependency through transit-oriented development plans and circulation plan elements.
Conducting environmental resource inventories.
Creating implementation strategies to carry out sustainable development plans.