HGA is a community planning firm dedicated to developing solutions tailored to the needs of our clients and the communities we represent.

Farmland and Open Space



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Services: Open Space and Recreation Plans | Environmental Resource Inventories/Natural Resource Inventories | Farmland Preservation Plans | Highlands Conformance | Greenway Planning

HGA has experience preparing successful municipal and county Open Space and Recreation Plans as well as Farmland Preservation Plans.

The preparation of Open Space and Recreation Plans includes an inventory of existing conditions, public outreach through surveys, information sessions, and coordination with recreation programs to identify community desires and needs. A needs analysis is conducted employing best practice methodologies and GIS-based mapping to establish goals and objectives. This analysis identifies parcels appropriate for conservation and opportunities to create greenways that link existing open space in order to enhance is ecological and recreational value. 

HGA is well versed in the NJDEP Green Acres and the State Agriculture Development Committee requirements. We have prepared numerous Farmland Preservation Plans that provide a comprehensive study of agriculture in the subject municipality or county as well as analyses of ways in which to preserve an enhance the agriculture and farmland industries. Our firm has also worked with a number of municipalities and counties on Highlands Regional Master Plan Conformance and implementation.

Additionally, HGA has prepared Environmental Resource Inventories and Natural Resource Inventories to help guide communities in decision making about their natural environments.


representative projects:

New Providence Open Space and Recreation Plan

harding township open space and recreation plan

Atlantic County open space and recreation plan

Millstone Township Farmland Preservation Plan

Lacey Township Natural Resource Investory

Toms River open space and recreation plan

atlantic county farmland preservation plan