Services: Redevelopment Studies | Redevelopment Plans | Negotiations | Expert Testimony | Plan Implementation | Condemnation Reports
HGA has decades of experience in all stages of the redevelopment planning process, including preliminary investigation reports and expert testimony, drafting redevelopment plans, and assisting redevelopment agencies and governing bodies with plan implementation. We understand the importance of public outreach and involvement, stakeholder interaction, municipal buy-in, and consensus building in the design and implementation of successful redevelopment plans.
For decades, New Jersey's most populous urban areas suffered from disinvestment and blight. Thanks to changing market demands, the State's cities are being re-imagined as thriving hubs of activity, culture, and commerce. HGA has been a part of several prominent examples of urban revitalization through the statutory redevelopment process, with more to come.
The redevelopment process is a useful tool outside urban areas. Main Streets, Central Business Districts, industrial areas, and highway corridors in suburban communities can all take advantage of the redevelopment toolkit to spur revitalization and create new hubs of dynamic activity.