HGA is a community planning firm dedicated to developing solutions tailored to the needs of our clients and the communities we represent.





Services: Housing Element and Fair Share Plans | Settlement Negotiations | Vacant Land Adjustments | GIS Mapping and Analysis | Administrative Agent Work | Implementation | Expert Testimony

The firm and the two principals, Fred Heyer, PP, AICP, CUD, LEED- AP ND, CNUa and Susan S. Gruel, PP, have extensive planning expertise in the field of affordable housing. Each principal has over 30 years of experience addressing affordable housing/COAH matters in New Jersey. The firm as a whole has participated in the affordable housing process since the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) was first established in the 1980s. The HGA staff has numerous professionals who have testified in court as expert witnesses in affordable housing litigation and are dedicated to staying up to date with court decisions and legislation that affect the entire state.

In light of the 2024 New Jersey Affordable Housing Legislation, signed into law in March 2024, HGA has been at the forefront in assisting municipalities navigate the required reporting periods and preparing for the upcoming Fourth Round. Firm staff have dedicated significant time to reviewing the legislation and posses a deep understanding of its requirements and the aggressive timeline it lays out. Our long-time expertise in affordable housing in New Jersey ensures our municipal clients will be well prepared to address their forthcoming housing obligations. HGA remains committed to providing tailored strategies and proactive support to help municipalities plan for the evolving housing landscape of New Jersey.

HGA is currently assisting approximately 30 municipalities with a range of affordable housing services associated with the Fourth Round, including evaluating fair share numbers and methodology, conducting vacant land assessments, negotiating settlement agreements, serving as expert witnesses in litigation matters, drafting Housing Elements and Fair Share Plans, and pursuing their implementation through ordinance amendments and redevelopment plans.