HGA is a community planning firm dedicated to developing solutions tailored to the needs of our clients and the communities we represent.

Harmony Farmland Preservation Plan

Farmland Preservation Plan

Township of Harmony

HGA has assisted a number of communities throughout the State of New Jersey to preserve farmland. We understand that farmland is important to many communities as a source of economic development, open space, and part of the rural way of life. HGA has prepared plans in accordance with the State Agricultural Development Committee (SADC) to ensure the communities remain eligible for State and County grant programs.

HGA is currently working with the Township of Harmony to adopt an updated Farmland Preservation Plan as an element to the Master Plan. Harmony is located entirely within the Highlands boundaries with 45% of the Township in the Planning area and the remaining 55% in the Preservation Area. Additionally, over half of Harmony’s land area is assessed as qualified farmland, making the Farmland Preservation Plan a critical resource that provides the Township with area-specific land use recommendations and preservation strategies. The Plan takes into account the changing statistics and trends that have affected the Township over the past several decades. The central focus of the Plan is on the Township’s rural agricultural land base and includes economic development strategies to facilitate agriculture as a viable resource within the Township.


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